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Becoming Family: How Volunteers Build Lasting Companionship

Pathways Volunteer Margie Garcia (left) with her client Ruby (right)

As the years pass and our health begins to fade, one of the most frustrating parts to accept is the loss of our autonomy. Where we once were agile and mobile, we now rely on the assistance of others. Our freedom to travel and move as we wish has now shifted to a reliance on someone else to help transport us and run errands for us. It can be disheartening to come to this reality. One of the greatest gifts that we can have during this time though, is the gift of companionship. 

     That is what Margie Garcia has brought as a volunteer for Pathways. She has been a loyal and steady presence in the life of her client for almost 14 years now. She came to Pathways as a volunteer back in 2009, taking on the task of being a Care Companion for a wheelchair bound client. Little did she know that she would play a pivotal role in her client’s life for years to come. She managed to teach herself how to drive a wheelchair accessible van, and has transported her client everywhere, from shopping trips to errands to medical appointments. The friendship that has developed between the two has provided so many cherished moments. Her client has described her as “not just a volunteer, but family”. 

    Recently, Margie expanded her volunteer presence in other programs and events for Pathways. She became a companion for a hospice client in 2022, extending her grace and compassion in weekly meetings with another individual. She has been described as “an angel” by them. She also has been a part of our Christmas Caroling event with her family, providing cheer and joy to others during the holiday season. Where there is room for a smile and a spirit in need of lifting, Margie has been there.

     Margie is a shining example of how volunteers here at Pathways truly embody our mission of providing compassionate care to those dealing with illness and loss. As a 501(c) 3 community-based nonprofit, we charge no fee for services, no billing issues. Our aim is to be your trusted friend through life’s toughest moments, whether that involves a caregiving companion, hospice respite, or grief support, Pathways has a program for you. 

For more information on Pathways programs and services or to become a volunteer or donor, please call 562-531-3031 or visit